This is a Beta Test?! - A Literally Broken System

Chapter 79 15.X Interlude: The Imperial Dinner

Emperor Varis Xeno Kattleyna had never thought that his Empire would ever stoop so low as to ask outsiders for help. To think that Kattleyna, an Empire that stood on its own for over a thousand years had been brought low enough to have to beg for assistance... It was... irksome, to say the least.

"Father, we have arrived."

Hearing his daughter announce their presence, Varis let out the smallest sigh as he made himself presentable. Straightening his back, he made sure to embody the strength and regality that was expected of him as the Emperor.

"Daughter," he greeted, his tone devoid of his unending love for her. "And I see you\'ve brought your retainers."

"As was instructed of me," Caris coolly nodded, her guests dutifully following behind her as they strode forth. "I\'ve brought them for the Imperial Dinner."

Varis nodded in satisfaction. Despite her usual... brashness, her daughter had taken to her duties like a fish to water. Granted, her grown-up form probably had an impact on her behavior, but he wouldn\'t look a gift horse in the mouth. If what she called her traumatic incident helped her to become a better ruler, then he would make sure that she went through them more often... Within reason, of course.

"Very well," the Emperor nodded in approval, looking at their guests with a keen eye as he spoke. "Once more, I welcome you to our humble abode."

With a gesture of his hand, the table in front of them seemingly came to life as servants came and went with food fit for an Emperor of his stature. Seeing as they weren\'t in the throne room, they were afforded a bit of slack in terms of decorum.

Still, that didn\'t mean that he had to abide by such rules, however.

"Okay, that\'s our cue to take a seat," he heard his daughter whisper to her retainers. "And don\'t worry too much now. We\'re not in a public setting anymore."

Varis couldn\'t help but nod at his daughter\'s words. Looking on as she and her guests took a seat at the long table, he kept an eye on the two [Somatics] that had suddenly appeared on his court.

At first, the Emperor couldn\'t believe that Caris had found such a powerful pair of [Somatics]. When he first heard her claims of Guidance\'s frankly ridiculous [Manifest], his first thought was that it was simply too good to be true. After all, the power to create and manipulate the very fabric of the world itself was something that approached the realm of the [Eld Gods]. Even after the woman had demonstrated her abilities by supposedly fixing an Imperial heirloom, he still couldn\'t believe that such a power was that vast in scope. It was only during his fight with Moriya that he finally accepted her daughter\'s words; that Guidance has the power of the [Eld] sitting at her fingertips.

In comparison, Moriya sounded like the usual run-of-the-mill [Somatic] that anyone could find in the Imperial Army. HIs [Manifest], as far as he could see it, simply let him shoot out projectiles made of his own blood. It wasn\'t as powerful or even as useful as his companion\'s or even daughter\'s recently awakened [Manifest], but even he could see the obvious advantages of having such a [Manifest]. Should the man train himself further, the potential of his power becoming nigh unassailable would be a great boon to their Empire.

And that wasn\'t to mention the two\'s questionable origins. But then, his daughter had emphasized that they were adamant about their perceived mortality. He almost wanted to scoff. For now, he will entertain their supposed humanity. Her daughter was a horrible liar, and if the two were indeed [Eld Gods], then having them in their army would make Kattleyna unstoppable.

"Thank you for having us," Moriya politely nodded to him, his utensils already moving to cut through his meal. "I\'m glad that you\'re doing better right now though."

"Likewise," Varis hummed in agreement. "While my own power still remains to be... reduced from its usual splendor, my overall health has seen a dramatic increase."

At his words, Guidance visibly dropped a sweat as she paled in her seat. Varis was sure that the woman was currently blaming herself for what she saw as her own mistakes. He didn\'t see much of a problem with the [Somatic]\'s methods, of course, but perhaps he should make it clear.

"Fear not, Guidance. I do not mind feeling weaker than usual," the Emperor assuaged her with a wave of his hand. "If anything, you\'ve only prolonged my rule for a decade or so."

"I-I see..." Guidance stuttered out, her own fears abating slightly. "Still, I can fix that if you want to."

Already, Varis could see his daughter getting ready to active her [Manifest], to which he replied, "There\'s no need as of now. There are more pressing matters than my own combat abilities. If anything, you all should save your strength for the journey to come."

"Still, Father, shouldn\'t we at least leave you in fighting form?" Caris worriedly asked. "I\'m sure we can make time for it before we leave."

"I agree," Moriya chimed in, his mouth still partly filled with food as he spoke. "If anything, it can make sure that the capital wouldn\'t be defenseless, right?"

Varis hummed in thought as he considered the trio\'s words. He was no fighter. He once fought on the front lines, yes, but he was Emperor now. The ruling of Kattleyna was his job, and while it was fun to be able to fight as if he was at his peak, there was no need for it now...

"I have full faith that my daughter will succeed in her tasks," he sagely replied. "As with the help of you two, there is nothing that she can accomplish."

Caris\'s bright blush almost made him smile as she visibly fought against her nature, forcing herself to keep up some semblance of decorum as she replied, "T-Thank you for your show of confidence, Father."

"Well, that\'s just to be expected, right?" Moriya chuckled. "Any father\'s proud of their children and all that."

Varis couldn\'t help but nod in agreement. Already, his daughter was becoming a spitting image of her mother. And while his beloved wife was currently preoccupied with more pressing matters, he was sure that she\'d be smiling alongside him should she see that their little princess had grown up to be a wonderful woman.

"Good for you..." Hmm?

Varis raised an eyebrow at Guidance\'s whispered words. It didn\'t seem that the other two heard their companion grumble to herself, but perhaps there was a story there...

"Father\'s always been a good ruler," Caris proudly declared, taking him out of his musings as her complacent tone started to show alongside her usual mannerisms. "If not, then the Empire wouldn\'t still be standing."

"Fair enough," Moriya chuckled. "Although, wouldn\'t it be hard to rule over something this large without the proper communication channels?"

The Emperor blinked at what the young man just said. "Communication channels?"

Moriya stopped chuckling, his attention turning back to the Emperor as he visibly schooled himself. "I-I mean, you have to have the infrastructure to interact with the rest of the Empire from here, right?"

"Yes, that is correct," Varis promptly replied. "Is there a problem with our current methods?"

"Well, what\'s your current method?" Moriya hesitantly asked. "I don\'t think wireless communications exist here yet, right?"

"Hey, Kattleyna isn\'t that backwards," Guidance grumbled. "They might be the least technologically inclined of the three powers of the Deep, but they at least have radio."

"Indeed," Varis backed up the woman\'s words, his own curiosity about her knowledge pushed to the wayside as he defended. "Outposts have radio devices that can relay their status all the way back to [Kotosa]. While it might not be as effective as [Marquee]\'s blasphemous Terran Communicators, our radios can still adequately do their job in maintaining peace throughout the Empire."

As much as he would like to admit it, it was true that Kattleyna was the worst out of the three powers in terms of technological prowess. They had the mandate of the Gods and a wealth of manpower and natural resources, but that was pretty much it. The Empire thrived on its economic power, relying more on the trade of commodities and exports as opposed to [Marquee]\'s technology or [Vestyge]\'s nature defiling power.

"Terran... Communicators?" Moriya asked.

"It\'s a long story. I can explain later," Guidance sighed. "Can we just eat? I\'m getting tired."

"Agreed," Varis nodded. "Our food is getting cold, and you three still have a long journey ahead of you."

With his words, the four of them settled into their respective meals. The conversations petered out, yet he still had more questions than answers about these two newcomers. Specifically, his eyes kept on wandering towards Guidance, whose [Eld] status was basically all but confirmed. While he shouldn\'t question where exactly her knowledge came from, he still couldn\'t help but wonder how Moriya fit into all of this. The young man didn\'t have a power that matched his fellow [Eld], but somehow, he still couldn\'t help but think that he\'d be powerful someday.

Nevertheless, he already accepted the two as his daughter\'s new retinue. While a proper ceremony hadn\'t taken place, Caris\'s obvious trust in them should be more than enough to assuage him of his fears...

And yet... Somehow, he couldn\'t help but feel as if something bad was going to happen...

"Shall we move on to the main course?"

With a clap of his hands, Varis gestured to one of the palace servants to bring out a few bottles of their finest wine. It wouldn\'t be prudent, and surely his wife will scold him once she caught wind of his actions, but perhaps a few drinks would help his fears.


Yikes. I\'m really out of practice.

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