Rebirth: Over the Horizon

Chapter 52 - Demons?: Asur Summoner(12)


One of the girl inside the camp kicked her companion and woke from her slumber moaningly.


She stretched her body, and her was caught up with something which annoys her from her birth.

It was the horns!


After hearing strange sounds from outside she quickly picked up her sword and went out of the camp.

What she saw was a Man and a woman coming out of the stronghold which her group was desperate to enter.

"Filthy, stinking thieves!" she cries aand she reaches for the sword on her hip.

The others immediately came out of the camp hearing their leader\'s cursing sound.


Akshar was born on the beautiful demon tribe which resides on the valley.

She was not only beautiful but her talent in sword was also expectional.

Usually demons in their tribe will have three options workers, administration and soldiers.

They have to go to either one of them before turning into 17 if not they will exiled the next second when their age crosses 18.

\'Naturally, because of the talent I had in sword, I decided to become a solider.\'

Not only that all the demons will have power to summon a familiar demons from another the plane.

\'After waiting for 3 I finally got a mission other than patrolling and hunting bears\'

\'It was to explore the stronghold which was beyond the Earhart forest.\'

It was akshara\'s first official mission.

"But to think that my first mission is itself a faliure, I just simply can\'t accpet this"


Amelia quickly drop the treasure in the inventory and begin casting, causing a same blue large hands to appear behind the guards.

It slides inexorably forward, pushing the guards toward the circular door you just came out of.

Several of the falling rocks from the ceiling batter about them, crushing one of them before the spell releases its hold, allowing the others to break free.

The 3-to-8 odds aren\'t good since it allows the other party to surround adam and his companions.

With the noisily self-destructing stronghold at his back, there isn\'t any room to properly defend himself.

While he was going to kill one of the guards who barely managed escape from the Amelia\'s hand.

A blades cuts deeply in his waist, causing a flood of warm blood to splash down his leg.

Though the blood was not real, it felt realistic.

[Health -5700]

\'The problem is not that a single blade from her was enough to cause this much damage to me\'

Adam spots the bright skinned girl with horns showing disgusted expression with holding onto her sword elegantly.

Adam smirked and casted "Earth Golems" "Fire ball"

The odds were quickly changed to 10-6 but, suddenly two demon like animals popped out of nowhere.

The first one was a like a rabbit but was standing and had horns.

Just as it appeared the golems dissipated and his fire ball also extinguished in the air.

"Hum" akshara snorted "Don\'t worry you can\'t use your magic any more"

As she said adam\'s face went paler, a demon animal was sitting on her shoulder.

Small yellow-white electricity rippling across its body. It\'s very short and impossibly skinny.

Now, Amelia can\'t use her magic she wielded her sword but it can barely used to defend her.

Ju-Ju also tries hard to fight against the 4 guards.

The small demon like animal begins to glow with increased lightning and the smell of burned ozone fills the air, and the electricity leap from the creature\'s body and onto him!

Adam quickly block it with his spear but still lightning cascades around him, jerking adam\'s arms and legs out in pain.

Fortunately, the demon is enjoying its sadistic actions too much to narrow its lightning field as he get\'s lose to the akshara.

His spear slashes it\'s head and it dissipates in the air moaningly.

Akshara tries to kill him out of fury but, Adam quickly spinned around and easily dogged her sword.

"You scum"

At the same time Ariana sneakily went around and killed the rabbit like demon with her basic dragger.

As soon as he realized it Adam cast his spell "Ice spears" it stabbed akshara at multiple places she wobbly plopped on the ground while gritting her teeth.

He also quickly dealt with other guards and focused his attention at her.

When Adam was going to interrogate her, the bird which was flapping in the air landed into the ground and turned into to a human demon.

The girl screams! Bright white light erupts from her eyes and shines on the surrounding.

The light is so intense that it temporarily fills Adam\'s entire field of vision with its brilliance!

When it finally fades, everything is over.

The guards are gone, as are all of their belongings and the loot they gathered so far from the stronghold.

Nothing but empty grassland remains.

Amelia and Ariana lays unconscious next to him.

Adam quickly tried to woke them but it was in vain opposite to him was the crumbled stronghold.

He look over the horizon were light illuminated dimly indicating it was dawn.

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