Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 129 Zack Versus The Dead Skulls [Part 2]

Zack pointed his fingers towards Gareth as the golden spear flew forward at full speed. Gareth could only lift his ax as the metal clashed against Chastiefol.

The golden spear gleamed brightly before it started attacking Gareth from all sides. Zack simply controlled it by using his finger.

Zack still had his hands handcuffed and that was his biggest advantage and disadvantage. The moment things would get out of hand, he would have to remove the handcuffs.

Doing so, he would alert every single higher up in the prison and would be chased as though he had just stolen someone\'s wife.

"Daggers of sky," Zack muttered under his breath as the golden spear exploded into multiple daggers.

(A/N: Unless there is a new form of Chastiefol ready, I will only use the form\'s name instead of the entire chant.)

Gareth was taken back by surprise as the daggers dashed towards his vitals. He wielded his ax with a weird stance and was able to deflect most of the incoming daggers.

"You can\'t dodge all," Zack spoke as a dagger pierced Gareth\'s side. It went directly through his skin and made the man groan.

That was all Zack need to make every single dagger go towards Gareth\'s body and stab him dead.

He felt no remorse in killing Gareth since he was a criminal, a notorious one at that. Only those who had been the most brutal in their criminal lives.

If Zack had his way, he would have taken exp for killing the rule enforcers. Sadly, the prison didn\'t allow players to gain exp from killing others, that was if they broke free from their cells.

That in itself was a big thing considering that the bars around the cell couldn\'t be broken normally.

"Boss…" The man named Longanus suddenly interrupted as he looked at his comrade\'s condition.

Twenty daggers were protruding from Gareth\'s body, each of which was stuck in one of his vitals. The man had been long dead and only his body was left behind.

Zack lifted the daggers off his body and burned it using his blue flames. His gaze then met the remaining four enforcers who were staring at him with hatred and a small amount of fear.

"We have the number advantage. After we are done, we will teach him and that beautiful girl a good lesson." The boss muttered through gritted teeth as he started walking towards Zack.

The black-haired boy glanced behind him to see Emma sitting on the floor of the elevator with popcorn in her hand. As for where she had gotten those, Zack had no idea.

He turned his head forward to see that the boss of the group had taken out a five-foot mace and was holding it with a thirsty look.

His remaining three subordinates took out their weapons too and stood beside their boss. Their eyes were burning with passion to take revenge for their fallen comrade.

"Emma, want to help me a little here?" Zack asked while reverting Chastiefol back to its original form.

The spear hovered in front of him to protect him from the incoming people.

"I thought you were doing the whole cool guy thing," Emma muttered as she stood up from her place.

Unlike Zack, she only had one overpowered weapon and that was her bow. However, her weapon had one of the biggest cheat abilities that she had not used till that point.

"What are your names?" The pink-haired girl asked as she walked out of the elevator to stand beside Zack.

Moments later, her spear appeared beside her which made the four men stop their advancement.

"Mammoth, the leader of dead skulls," Mammoth replied through gritted teeth as he could feel an even more dangerous aura coming out of the bow.

If he had to guess, he would say that the bow was even more dangerous than the spear hovering in front of the spear. This made him wonder what crimes the duo had committed to end up in the prison.

\'Did they kill an official or something?\' Mammoth wondered silently while trying to figure out his next move.

"I am sick of standing. Can\'t we just attack them?" Longanus suddenly asked as a smile appeared on Zack\'s face.

Seeing the smile, Mammoth started sweating buckets as he felt that a devil in the disguise of a human was staring at him.

"If you are sick of standing, would you like to lay down?" The black-haired boy\'s question made Mammoth hurriedly raise his hands in front of his comrades.

Despite the muscles and the five feet tall mace he had, the leader knew that he couldn\'t beat Zack alone. If the girl was added to the equation, he and his gang would die in a matter of seconds.

"You came here for a reason, didn\'t you?" He asked in a low tone while keeping his eyes on the golden spear and the bow. \'They can hit and kill me the moment I blink my eyes.\'

Mammoth had never really feared death in the outer world. That\'s why he and his gang had thought that it would be a good idea to steal from the merchants in the market.

That mistake had managed to earn them five years of prison sentence. They had decided to become enforcers to lead a somewhat easy life and still enjoy the feeling of being criminals.

But now, Mammoth felt as though his entire life was flashing in front of him and that only happened in one case.

"I came here to meet the owner of all black markets and the king of the underworld of Eizenburgh kingdom," Zack replied while staring at the black door. "I came here to meet Hayden Solanski."


Mammoth and his gang members had no words to say. Their boss was a figure that had taken the place of the previous ruler in a matter of minutes.

The old ruler had passed his position to Hayden one day while saying that his time had come. Not only did that shock the entire underworld, but they were also stunned by what progressed next.

One moment, their ex-ruler was standing straight with a tired expression and the next moment, he was coughing blood while lying on the ground. He had soon died after that leaving Hayden with full authority on what to do.

\'Why don\'t you think and tell the rest of the story to them?\'

All the hair on Mammoth\'s body stood up as he heard the voice inside his head. It was a voice that he had heard on the day Hayden had taken the previous ruler\'s voice.

It was the voice of a tyrant and the new ruler of the underworld.

\'I should try reading the minds of all prisoners a few times. You guys hide a lot of secrets. Now, let\'s see what you can do against them.\'

A clapping sound resounded inside the mind of the four men as their grip on their weapons tightened.

Zack and Emma sensed that something was wrong as they immediately raised their weapons.

Mammoth released a guttural battle cry as he dashed forward with his subordinates. He appeared in front of Zack the next moment and swung his mace intending to crush the boy.

However, Chastiefol clashed with the giant mace and successfully pushed Mammoth back. The golden spear then turned into daggers and started attacking Mammoth the same way they had attacked Gareth.

Unlike the man who Zack had killed, Mammoth managed to throw back every single dagger aimed his way. With another guttural cry, he swung his mace in Zack\'s direction and the latter was forced to roll away.

Zack then glanced towards Emma who was holding on her own with the help of her bow.

\'Is that… auto-aim?\' His eyes widened when he saw the bow shoot a rapid barrage of arrows at the three men who tried stepping closer to hit Emma.

The pink-haired woman stood beside her bow with her eyes closed. Judging from her lip movement, she was preparing some sort of special attack.

Zack then turned his attention back at Mammoth who had managed to destroy a large portion of the room. The leader of dead skulls had entered berserk mode which was weird.

\'He looked as though he was about to surrender earlier.\' Zack thought while dodging another attack.

He was thinking of taking out Eirias and using the sword to fight against Mammoth. Zack had almost forgotten that if he fought a person belonging to the light side using his sword, all of his allies might be able to gain a 50% boost.

That completely depended on his determination to fight which was currently not very high. He instead decided to end the fight quickly.

With Gugnir in one hand and Chastiefol floating in front of him, Zack jumped towards Mammoth while throwing the lance towards his throat.

The blue lance flew forward with deadly accuracy as its tip started glowing.

Once again, the item in his inventory glowed brightly. But this time, it was directed towards Gugnir.

"You die now!" Mammoth shouted as he jumped forward towards Gugnir and swung his mace once again.

However, Gugnir moved out of the mace\'s way at the last second It flew behind the ma back which left Zack dumbfounded. He didn\'t have the time to think much as Mammoth\'s blow was now coming directly towards his face.

Zack quickly directed Chastiefol towards the mace while moving out of its way.

As the two metals clanged against each other, Gugnir homed in on Mammoth and pierced his throat. The leader of dead skulls fell down on the ground as his eyes rolled back.

Blood spilled from his wound and created a pool of blood around him. Zack glanced over at Emma who had already killed all three of her opponents.

Their bodies were lying on the ground with multiple arrows stuck to various parts of their bodies.

"Perhaps you did an overkill," Zack muttered as he put Chastiefol and Gugnir back in his inventory.

The lance had stopped glowing the moment it had killed Mammoth and was now placed back in the inventory.

"Mm, they were going to do the same thing so, why not?" Emma asked back as she moved to the other side of the bodies.

Zack followed behind her as the two of them stood in front of the black door.

"Don\'t touch it now." Zack suddenly interrupted as Emma had extended her hand to open the door. "Your hands will be burned due to the handcuffs."

"So we break them now?" Emma asked while raising an eyebrow as Zack nodded.

He then pointed his fingers towards Emma\'s handcuffs and shot his blue flames forward. He then gently controlled the flames and burned the handcuffs before doing the same thing for himself.

If they had tried to open the door with the handcuffs, the runes embedded in them would have burned their entire hands.

But now, they only had to do one thing and that was to talk with Hayden.

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